Your thunderer's were replaced with Irondrakes. of campaign playstyle - I played a fantastic cavalry-focused Tomb Kings campaign with King Tutankhanut from Legendary Lords 2.
trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited.
Kholen Suneater, one of the legendary Lords of the Warriors of Chaos can be used as a best example. So.the Light's vaunted justice has finally arrived. Corrupted and mutated by the power of Chaos, they have become something l… This Lord has an absurd amount of health, inflicts gigantic damage, but has very thin armor (only 30 points). Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. With the recent update to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, we reckon the Chaos Lord is … That your Gobbo Archers were replaced with Giants. I've just finished the other 4 campaigns (on hard) and I'm a TW veteran since Shogun 1.
Then I got bored and just invaded the Empire and won the game by turn 87 or something.
Other chaos lords can get to 75% physical resist + ward save by killing Wurrzag. Shall I lay down Frostmourne and throw myself at your mercy, Fordring?.